Reader's Theater: Psalm 91
A Dialogue with God

by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson

A reading for four voices based Psalm 91 in the NIV translation

STRUGGLER O God, I seem to live with fear.
I can feel it in the tenseness of my stomach.
It gnaws at me constantly.
I lie awake at night, I cannot sleep
because of worry,
because of fear.
I don't seem to have your peace any more.
Help me, God.
Restore my trust.
READER 1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
STRUGGLER Where is your shelter, Lord?
Where is your shadow from the burning heat of the sun?
READER 2 I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress,
READER 1 ... my God, in whom I trust."
STRUGGLER I must say something?
GOD Yes, say:
"He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust."
STRUGGLER He is my refuge and my fortress.
GOD That's it, go on.
STRUGGLER My God, in whom I trust.
READER 1 Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare
and from the deadly pestilence.
GOD I will protect you from the sneaky enemy
who lies in wait to entrap you.
I will guard you from diseases that might ravage the land.
STRUGGLER You will protect me? You will save me?
GOD Yes, I will be to you like a mother hen
who gathers her chicks under her wings to protect them.
READER 1 He will cover you with his feathers,
READER 2 And under his wings you will find refuge;
READER 1 His faithfulness will be your shield and buckler.
GOD My trustworthiness will be like a shield to you.
My faithful character is like a shield you can put up to ward off the blows of the enemy.
STRUGGLER Lord, you will protect me?
GOD Yes. I desire to take away your fear and replace it with peace.
READER 1 You will not fear the terror of night,
nor the arrow that flies by day,
STRUGGLER Day and night you will be with me?
GOD Yes.
READER 1 Neither will you fear the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
READER 2 nor the plague that destroys at midday.
STRUGGLER In darkness and light you will watch out for me and care for me?
GOD Yes.
STRUGGLER But around me people are falling like flies.
READER 1 A thousand may fall at your side,
ten thousand at your right hand,
But it will not come near you.
STRUGGLER How can that be?
READER 2 You will only observe with your eyes
and see the punishment of the wicked.
STRUGGLER How can I have this peace in the midst of turmoil?
READER 1 If you make the Most High your dwelling --
Even the Lord, who is you refuge!
READER 2 Then no harm will befall you,
No disaster will come near your tent.
GOD You are not alone, you know.
I have placed my angels around about you.
My angels are protecting you.
READER 1 For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways;
READER 2 They will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
GOD What's more, I will give you power over your enemies:
READER 1 You will tread upon the lion and the cobra;
READER 2 You will trample the great lion and the serpent.
GOD This is my assurance to you...
READER 1 "Because you love me," says the LORD, "I will rescue you.
READER 2 I will protect you,
for you know me
and acknowledge the power of my name.
READER 1 You will call upon me, and I will answer you;
READER 2 I will be with you in trouble,
READER 1 I will deliver you and honor you.
READER 2 With long life will I satisfy you
READERS 1 & 2 And show you my salvation.
STRUGGLER God, will do that for me?
GOD Yes. I am the One who personally helps and delivers you.
READER 1 You will call upon me, and I will answer you;
READER 2 I will be with you in trouble,
READER 1 And show you my salvation.
READER 2 Yes, show you my salvation.
STRUGGLER Your peace, O God?
GOD Yes, my peace.
STRUGGLER And how do I find your peace, O Lord?
How do I live free from the grip of fear?
READER 1 Dwell in the shelter of the Most High, my child.
READER 2 Rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
READERS 1 & 2 Trust!
GOD Yes, trust -- and rest in me!

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Jesus' Parables for Disciples, by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson
Discipleship for New Believers

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Old Testament

  1. Abraham, Faith of
  2. Jacob, Life of
  3. Moses the Reluctant Leader
  4. Joshua
  5. Gideon
  6. David, Life of
  7. Elijah
  8. Psalms
  9. Solomon
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  5. Seven Last Words of Christ
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  7. Jesus and the Kingdom of God
  8. Resurrection and Easter Faith
  9. Apostle Peter


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  2. Apostle Paul (Acts 11-28)

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  1. Romans 5-8 (Christ-Powered Life)
  2. 1 Corinthians
  3. 2 Corinthians
  4. Galatians
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  6. Philippians
  7. Colossians, Philemon
  8. 1 & 2 Thessalonians
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  2. James
  3. 1 & 2 Peter, Jude
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  2. Conquering Lamb of Revelation


  1. Glorious Kingdom, The
  2. Grace: Favor for the Undeserving
  3. Great Prayers of the Bible
  4. Holy Spirit, Disciple's Guide
  5. Humility
  6. JesusWalk: Beginning the Journey
  7. Lamb of God
  8. Listening for God's Voice
  9. Lord's Supper: Disciple's Guide
  10. Names and Titles of God
  11. Names and Titles of Jesus

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