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Dr. Wilson's Books
Songs and Hymns Based on the Sermon on the Mount and Related Themes (Appendix 2)
by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson
![]() Dante Gabriel Rossetti, "The Sermon on the Mount" (1862), Stained glass window, south nave, All Saints, Selsley, Gloucestershire, UK. Larger image. |
But there are many less-known songs that are quite accessible. You congregation could learn them -- or you could read the lyrics as poetry.
I've compiled this list from looking at Scripture indices from various song books and hymnals. But I have relied most heavily on two sources, both online. Both contain not only the words, but also the tunes (in most cases) to the songs listed here:
The Cyber Hymnal ( is an exhaustive listing of traditional hymns from the time of Isaac Watts through the 1930s. It is free to all and includes MIDI accompaniment so you can learn the tunes.
Song Select Premium ( from Christian Copyright Licensing International contains most songs and choruses that have become popular since the 1960s. All listings include the lyrics, but many of the more popular include an audio clip so you can get an idea of the melody, and many include lead sheets or chord sheets as well. This service is only open to members and costs from $44 to $179 per year. A worship leader or music director in your city probably has a membership, if you don't. There is a wonderful goldmine of wonderful songs and lyrics here!
Matthew | Song or Hymn, with authors, dates, and copyright information |
5:1-12 | "Blessed Are the Humble Souls that See," words by Isaac Watts (1710), music "Danvers" by Lowell Mason (1829) |
5:1-12 | "Blessed Are the Persecuted," adapted by Esther C. Bergen (1990), Tonga melody (Zambia), words © 1990 Mennonite World Conference |
5:3-12 | "Blessed Tune," words and music by A Chron Carter, Chris Greeley, Gabriel Wilson, and Melanie Wilson (© 2003, Integrity's Hosanna! Music). |
5:8 | "Purer in Heart, O God," words: Fannie Estelle Davison (1877), music: James H. Fillmore (1877). |
5:9 | "Let There Be Peace on Earth" (and let it begin with me), words and music by Jill Jackson and Sy Miller (© 1955, renewed 1983, Jan-Lee Music). |
5:13-16 | "Song for the Nations," words and music by Chris Christensen (© 1986, Integrity's Hosanna! Music). |
5:13-16 | "Salt and Light," words and music by Jan and John L'Ecuyer (© 2002, Integrity's Hosanna! Music) |
5:14 | "Ye Are the Light of the World," words R.J. Craig, music: John D. Brunk |
5:16 | "This Little Light of Mine" ("I'm going to let it shine"), African American spiritual |
5:16 | "Here Am I" ("Send me to the nations"), words and music by Bob Kilpatrick (© 1987, Bob Kilpatrick Ministries) |
5:23-24 | "Forgive" ("Leave your gift at the altar..."), words and music by Gary L. Bruce (© 1997, Gary L. Bruce) |
5:23-24 | "Love and Forgiveness" ("Leave your gift ..."), words and music by Mark Schmidt (© 2002, mark Allen Schmidt) |
5:39 | "Turn the Other Cheek," words and music by Steven B. Eulberg (© 1992, Steven B. Eulberg, Owl Mountain Music) |
5:45 | "Forgive One Another," words and music by Bill Batstone, Kelly Willard, Lenny LeBlanc, and Rita Baloche (© 1990 Maranatha Music, Doulos Publishing) |
5:48 | "More Like You" ("You are perfect, you are holy"), words and music by Clay Crosse and Regie Hamm (© 1979, Designer Music Group, Inc., Minnie Partners Music, Word Music, LLC, Anything for the Kids Music, Lehsem Music LLC) |
5:48 | "A Man with a Perfect Heart," words and music by Jack Hayford (© 1995, Annamarie Music) |
5:48 | "A Perfect Heart," words and music by Dony McGuire and Reba Rambo (© 1981, Bud John Songs, Inc.) |
6:6 | "Secret Prayer," words and music by Charles H. Gabriel (1922) |
6:6 | "Sweet Hour of Prayer," words: William Walford (c. 1840), music: "Sweet Hour," William B. Bradbury (c. 1861) |
6:9-13 | "The Lord's Prayer," music by Albert Hay Malotte (© 1935 renewed G. Schirmer, Inc.). Probably the best-known version. |
6:9-13 | "The Lord's Prayer," words and music by Brian Doerksen and Michael Hansen (© 1989 Vineyard Songs Canada, ION Publishing) |
6:9-13 | "The Lord's Prayer," words and music by Robert Eastwood (© 1989 Hillsong Publishing) |
6:9-13 | "The Lord's Prayer," words and music by Paul Field and Stephen Deal (© 1998, Meadowgreen Music, Stephen Deal Music) Tune: Auld Lang Syne. |
6:9-13 | "The Lord's Prayer," words adapted by J. Jefferson Cleveland and Verolga Nix; music: West Indian folk tune; (© 1881, The United Methodist Publishing House) |
6:9-13 | "The Lord's Prayer," music by David Haas (© 1986, GIA Publications, Inc.) |
6:9-13 | "The Lord's Prayer," music: "Gregorian," by Lowell Mason (1841). Tune is quite similar to "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" ("Hamburg") |
6:9-13 | "Our Father," words and music by Randall Dennis (© 1994, Pilot Point Music (Lillenas)) |
6:11 | "O God, Thou Giver of All Good," words: Samuel Longfellow (1864), music "Puer Nobis Nascitur" (Germany, 15th century) |
6:11 | "Be Present at Our Table, Lord," words: John Cennick (1741), music: "Old Hundredth," attributed to Louis Bourgeois (1551), "Doxology" tune. |
6:13 | "Kingdom of God" ("shall have no end," "Thine is the kingdom..."), words and music by Twila Paris (© 1990 Ariose Music, Mountain Spring Music) |
6:14 | "Be Like Your Father," words and music by Beverlee Paine (© 1979, Celebration) |
6:14-15 | "Choose to Forgive," words and music by Mark Levang and Rick Riso (© 1994, Integrity's Hosanna! Music, Mom's Fudge Music) |
6:14-15 | "Free, Freely," words and music by Carol Owens (© 1972, Bud John Songs, Inc.) |
6:14-15 | "Forgive One Another," words and music by Bill Batstone, Kelly Willard, Lenny LeBlanc, and Rita Baloche (© 1990 Maranatha Music, Doulos Publishing) |
6:19-21 | "Treasures in Heaven," words and music by Will Goldstein (© 2000, The King's Court) |
6:19-34 | "You Are My Portion," words and music by Darrel Evans (© 1998, Integrity's Hosanna! Music) |
6:20 | "How Happy Are They" ("and have laid up their treasure above"), words: Charles Wesley (1749), music: "Rapture (Humphreys)," R.D. Humphreys (1826-) |
6:21 | "Treasure," words and music by Gary Winthur Chapman (© 1979, Paragon Music Corp.) |
6:22 | "Set Your Mind on Christ" ("The lamp of the body is the eye...."), words and music by Will Goldstein (© 2000, The King's Court) |
6:24 | "As for Me and My House," words and music by Don Harris, Martin Nystrom, and Tom Brooks (© 1994, Integrity's Hosanna! Music) |
6:24 | "Made Up Mind," words and music by Geron Davis (© 1994, Integrity's Hosanna! Music, DaviShop |
6:24-34 | "Seek Ye First," words and music by Wes Michael Gorospe (© 2004, Wes Michael Music Co.) |
6:25 | "God Is in Control," words and music by Twila Paris (© 1993, Ariose Music, Mountain Spring Music) |
6:25-31 | "You Don't Have to Worry," words and music by Morris Chapman (© 1999, Tyscot Publishing, Fountainhead Family Publishing) |
6:25-31 | "All I Have to Do Is Believe," words and music by Vicki Hall (© 1983, Earnest Endeavors Music) |
6:25-31 | "Take Not Thought for Food or Raiment," author unknown, in the Chalons-sur-Marne Breviary (1736), translated from Latin to English by compilers of Hymns Ancient and Modern (1889), music: "St. Claire," Alfred J. Eyre |
6:25-34 | "Lilies of the Field," words and music by John Michael Talbot (© 1981, Birdwing Music, BMG Songs, Inc.) |
6:25-34 | "Do Not Worry," Susan H. Petersan (1998, public domain), music: "Have You Any Room for Jesus," C.C. Williams (d. 1882) |
6:28-30 | "Consider the Lilies," words and music by Jean Goeboro Johnson (© 1974, Word of God Music) |
6:33 | "Seek Ye First," words and music by Karen Lafferty (© 1972, Maranatha! Music) |
6:33 | "Land of Opportunity," words and music by Geoff Moore and Steven Curtis Chapman (© 1996, Sparrow Song, Peach Hill Songs, Starstruck Music) |
6:33 | "Seek Ye First the Kingdom," words: Eliza E. Hewitt (1901), music: John R. Sweny |
6:43-45 | "Be Like Your Father," words and music by Beverlee Paine (© 1979, Celebration) |
7:7 | "Ask Your God" ("soon you will receive an answer"), words: James Minchin, Music: Subronto K. Atmodjo, Indonesia (Asian Institute for Liturgy and Music) |
7:7 | "Come, My Soul, Thy Suit Prepare" ("Jesus loves to answer prayer..."), words: John Newton (1779), music: "Savannah," in the Foundery Collection (1742) |
7:7-8 | "Ask, Seek, Knock," words and music by Ed Kerr and Paul Baloche (© 1993, Integrity's Hosanna! Music) |
7:7-8 | "Seek Ye First" ("Knock and the door will be opened unto you, Seek and you shall find") words and music by Karen Lafferty (© 1972, Maranatha! Music) |
7:7-8 | "Ask Seek Knock," words and music by Dale Garratt (© 1970, Scripture in Song (Maranatha! Music)) |
7:13-14 | "The Broad Way," words and music by Cam Floria (© 1974, Bud John Songs, Inc.) |
7:13-14 | "Narrow Path," words and music by Steven B. Eulberg (© 1991, Steven B. Eulberg (Owl Mountain Music)) |
7:13-14 | "Broad Is the Road that Leads to Death," words: Isaac Watts (1707-09), Music: "Windham," Daniel Read (1737-1836) |
7:14 | "Lord, Thy Children Guide and Keep" ("Lead us in the narrow way...."), words: William W. How (1854), Music: "Dix," Conrad Kocher," tune to "For the Beauty of the Earth" |
7:14 | "Strait Is the Gate to All that Come" ("and narrow is the way...."), words: Karolina W. Sandell-Berg (1832-1903), translated from Swedish to English by Augustus Nelson (1863-1949), music: "Ortonville," Thomas Hastings (1837) |
7:16, 20 | "By Their Fruits You Will Know Them," words and music by Taveau D'Arcy (© 1998, Taveau D'Arcy) |
7:16, 20 | "Fruit of the Spirit," words and music by Genie and Troy Nilsson (© 2002, Tory and Genie Nilsson Music Publishing) |
7:21 | "Will of the Father," words and music by Mary Rice Hopkins (© 1996, Big Steps 4 U) |
7:21 | "If You Want to Reach the Top" ("Only those who do the will of my Father come in"), words and music by Daisy Essery (© 2000, Daisy Essery Joyful Noise Music) |
7:23 | "I Never Knew You," words: Elizabeth A. Needham (1881), music: Charles C. Case |
7:24-25 | "Build on the Rock," words and music by Frank E. Belden (1886) |
7:24-25 | "The Sure Foundation" ("Firm Stands the Rock"), words and music by Tullius C. O'Kane (1871-1872) |
7:24-27 | "Strong Foundation," words and music by Adam Preston and Tammy Tolman (© 2005, Spot the Difference) |
7:24-27 | "My Hope Is Built" ("The Solid Rock," "... All other ground is sinking sand"), words: Edward Mote (1834), music: "Solid Rock" by William B. Bradbury (1863) |
7:24-27 | "Firm Foundation," words and music by Jamie Harvill and Nancy Gordon (© 1994, Integrity's Hosanna! Music) |
7:24-27 | "I Am the Way" ("I am the Rock of every age"), words and music by Kelly Willard (© 1986, Willing Heart Music (Maranatha! Music)) |
7:24-27 | "The Wise Man Built His House upon the Rock," children's song |
7:24-27 | "A Parable," words and music by Bonnie J. and John W. Evans (© 2001 John W. and Bonnie J. Evans, Moonshaker Music) |
7:24-27 | "American Dream," words and music by Hector Cervantes and Mark Hall (© SWECS Music, Club Zoo Music) |
Copyright © 2025, Ralph F. Wilson. <> All rights reserved. A single copy of this article is free. Do not put this on a website. See legal, copyright, and reprint information.
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Old Testament
- Abraham, Faith of
- Jacob, Life of
- Moses the Reluctant Leader
- Joshua
- Gideon
- David, Life of
- Elijah
- Psalms
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- Songs of Ascent (Psalms 120-134)
- Isaiah
- 28 Advent Scriptures (Messianic)
- Daniel
- Rebuild & Renew: Post-Exilic Books
- Christmas Incarnation (Mt, Lk)
- Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5-7)
- Luke's Gospel
- John's Gospel
- Seven Last Words of Christ
- Parables
- Jesus and the Kingdom of God
- Resurrection and Easter Faith
- Apostle Peter
Pauline Epistles
- Romans 5-8 (Christ-Powered Life)
- 1 Corinthians
- 2 Corinthians
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- 1 & 2 Thessalonians
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