------------------------------------------------------------ JESUS IN PERSPECTIVE, "THE EXALTED SERVANT" PHILIPPIANS 2:1-9 A study in who Jesus is, and the nature of the incarnation ------------------------------------------------------------ This week we are studying one of the most important passages about Jesus in the entire Bible. It gives us insight into who Jesus actually is, and Jesus' approach to self- promotion. ------- MONDAY ------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 1: OBSERVATION QUESTIONS. WHAT DOES THE TEXT SAY? ------------------------------------------------------------ 1.1 This passage consists of an exhortation to righteous living and an example. Which verses contains the exhortation? Which contain the example? -------------- TUESDAY ------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 2: INTERPRETATION QUESTIONS. WHAT DOES THE TEXT MEAN? ------------------------------------------------------------ Comment: Vs. 1:6 says of Jesus that he is "in very nature God" (NIV) or "in the form of God" (KJV). The word "nature" or "form" is Greek morphe, "form, outward appearance, shape" (BAG, p. 528) FW Beare says, "Yet morphe does, or at least can, retain in the usage of the NT its proper sense of `form which corresponds to the underlying reality'" (Philippians, p. 78f) 2.1 Vs. 6: "Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped..." If Jesus is by very nature God, why does vs. 6 talk about grasping at equality with God? (This is difficult, but worth your meditation.) ---------------- WEDNESDAY 2.2 Vs. 7: "But made himself nothing (KJV, "emptied himself"), taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness." In what sense did Jesus "empty" himself? Why did he need to empty himself in order to become a human? 2.3 Vs. 6 says Jesus was in very nature (Gk. morphe) God. Vs. 7 says he took the very nature (Gk. morphe) of a servant. Which was he in the flesh: God or man? -------------- THURSDAY 2.4 Does Jesus' struggle with obedience in the Garden of Gethsemane (Luke 22:39-46) reveal his weakness or his strength? Defend your answer. -------------- FRIDAY ------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 3: APPLICATION QUESTIONS. WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO ME? ------------------------------------------------------------ 3.1 Why do we find it so hard to consider others better than ourselves? (vs. 3) In what ways is looking beyond your own interests to the interest of others (vs. 4) opposed to the philosophy of the world. ------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright 1997, Ralph F. Wilson, all rights reserved. Joyful Hear