------------------------------------------------------------ WEEK 2. LUKE 5:15-26 “JESUS AND THE PARALYZED MAN” ------------------------------------------------------------ Read: Luke 5:15-26 Jesus’ teaching and miracles had attracted lots of attention. The “Pharisees and teachers of the law” have gathered from all over the entire region to check out this new teacher. The Pharisees were very strict practitioners of their religion, and very judgmental of people who weren’t as legalistic as they were. They had minute rules of righteousness for everything: Sabbath observance, food laws, you name it. One of the ironies of Jesus’ ministry is that the most upstanding of men became his most vigorous opponents. Much of their opposition was to Jesus’ characteristic mercy and forgiveness, as portrayed in this episode.... Comment: Most Palestinian homes had flat roofs with outside stairs leading up to the rooftop. The roof of the house in this story was either made of tile, or of brushwood covered over with mud mixed with straw. The sick man’s friends apparently dismantled a portion of the roof right over the heads of the crowed packed in the room below. Then they lowered their paralyzed friend down from the four corners of his mat right in front of Jesus –- a very striking and memorable image. ---------- MONDAY ------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 1. OBSERVATION QUESTIONS. WHAT DOES THE TEXT SAY? ------------------------------------------------------------ 1.1 Who comprises the cast of characters in this story? 1.2 What was the physical setting of Jesus’ teaching on this occasion? ------------- TUESDAY ------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 2. INTERPRETATION QUESTIONS. WHAT DOES THE TEXT MEAN? ------------------------------------------------------------ 2.1 What motivated the Pharisees and teachers of the law to gather to hear Jesus? Was it their faith? If so, why do you think so? 2.2 What motivated the paralyzed man and his friends to make sure nothing stopped him from getting to Jesus? Was it their faith? If so, why do you think so? ----------- WEDNESDAY 2.3 In the minds of the Pharisees, how do you think sickness was linked with sin? 2.4 What point was Jesus trying to make by linking healing with forgiveness? (vss. 20-24) Why didn’t he just heal the man and be done with it? ----------- THURSDAY 2.5 Why is forgiveness key to a healing of the whole person? ------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 3. APPLICATION QUESTIONS. WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO ME? ------------------------------------------------------------ 3.1 What do we learn about Jesus from this passage? His basic attitude towardS needy people? His attitude toward skeptics? Clues about who he really is? ------------ FRIDAY 3.2 What would it take to get you or a friend within “healing distance” of Jesus?