------------------------------------------------------------ JESUS' UNDERSTANDING OF HIS MISSION Matthew 20:17-28 ------------------------------------------------------------ This passage gives a teaching (vss. 17-19) which the disciples didn't understand, an incident from everyday disciple life (vss. 20-23), and an explanation of true servanthood (vss. 24-28). It effectively lines out Jesus' understanding of his own mission here on earth. ------------ MONDAY ------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 1: OBSERVATION QUESTIONS. WHAT DOES THE TEXT SAY? ------------------------------------------------------------ 1.1 In your own words, summarize Jesus' prediction (vss. 18-19) of what would happen to him. 1.2 Who were Zebedee's sons in vs. 20? (See Matthew 4:21). Why do you think their mother interceded on their behalf? ------------- TUESDAY ------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 2: INTERPRETATION QUESTIONS. WHAT DOES THE TEXT MEAN? ------------------------------------------------------------ 2.1 Jesus asked James and John if they could drink the cup he was going to drink (vs. 22). What do you think this cup represents? (See Matthew 26:39) 2.2 Do you think you would have been indignant if you were one of the disciples who heard about James' and John's request? Why or why not? ---------- WEDNESDAY 2.3 Jesus contrasts common views of leadership with his own view of leadership in vss. 24-27. What are the characteristics of leadership as many people practice it? What are the characteristics of Jesus' form of leadership? 2.4 What does the word "ransom" mean here? It is clearly at the center of Jesus' self-described mission. In what sense do you think Jesus ransomed people by his death? ------------ THURSDAY ------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 3: APPLICATION QUESTIONS. WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO ME? ------------------------------------------------------------ 3.1 How will you try to apply the idea of servant leadership in your life? In your own situation, how can you practice a more servant-type leadership than you may have before? ----------- FRIDAY 3.2 In your opinion, was the cost of the ransom -- Jesus' life -- a real cost, or a "play-acted" cost? Why or why not? 3.3 How do you understand Jesus' "ransom mission" in relation to you? In what sense do you think he ransomed you? ------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright 1997, Ralph F. Wilson, all rights reserved. Joyful Heart is a trademark of Joyful Heart Ministries.