------------------------------------------------------------ JESUS AND PEOPLE: "RECRUITING A NEW ASSOCIATE" LUKE 5:27-32 (WITH LUKE 19:1-10) ------------------------------------------------------------ To prepare for this, read both passages: Luke 5:27-32 and Luke 19:1-10, both about Jesus’ friendships with tax collectors. Tax collectors were considered the scum of Palestinian society for two reasons. First, they worked for the hated oppressors, the Romans, and second, they were notorious for cheating people into paying more taxes than they owed. Respectable people had nothing to do with them. Taxes were not administered by the government, but private enterprise. The government put a district up for bid. How much will you bid to collect taxes for this district? Anything the tax collector received beyond his “bid” he could use to fatten his own pockets. In this weeks’ stories Jesus transgressed the social taboo of eating with tax collectors and sinners. He did it to make a point. We will focus our discussion on the incident in Luke 5:27-32, the Calling of Levi. Incidentally, Matthew’s gospel calls Levi by the name Matthew, who was one of Jesus’ 12 disciples. -------------- Monday ------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 1: OBSERVATION QUESTIONS. WHAT DOES THE TEXT SAY? ------------------------------------------------------------ 1.1 By careful observation, what do you learn about Levi from these six verses. For example, what does his name reveal? 1.2 Why was Jesus criticized? ------------ Tuesday ------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 2: INTERPRETATION QUESTIONS. WHAT DOES THE TEXT MEAN? ------------------------------------------------------------ 2.1 Jesus invites Levi to follow him, and –- just like that –- Levi leaves everything and does so. What needs do you think Levi felt? What do you think preceded this incident in Levi’s life? 2.2 How does Jesus treat Levi and his friends? Why do you think he treats them differently than did society as a whole? Did his friendship equate with approval? ----------- Wednesday 2.3 What, do you think, motivated Levi to hold a banquet for Jesus? 2.4 What does Jesus’ answer to the Pharisees (vs. 31-32) reveal about Jesus’ understanding of his own role and mission? ------------ Thursday 2.5 Jesus uses the analogy of the sick and the healthy. Why is repentance (vs. 32) necessary to this “doctor’s” healing? -------------- Friday ------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL 3: APPLICATION QUESTIONS: WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO ME? ------------------------------------------------------------ 3.1 Have you ever felt rejected by righteous people? Have you ever felt rejected by Jesus? 3.2 If Jesus were to “call” you, what difference do you think it might make for you?