----------------------------------------------------------- JESUS' DEATH AND ITS MEANING, "THE LAST SUPPER" Matthew 26:19-30 ----------------------------------------------------------- The purpose this week is to try to understand the meaning of Jesus' death as Jesus understood it. The Last Supper offers some clues for us. The reason we use a text of Scripture as the basis of these studies each week is to anchor our discussion in something more than speculation. As we get at the real meaning of this passage, it will help us understand some of the basic underlying truths of Jesus' teaching -- and Christianity. By the way, you are getting the US holiday "President's Day" off on Monday. Wave a flag! Let's start discussing on Tuesday. Pastor Ralph TUESDAY ----------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL 1. OBSERVATION QUESTIONS. What does the text say? ----------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 What was the significance of the Passover meal which Jesus and his disciples were celebrating that night? (see Exodus 12 for background) What event were they commemorating? ---------- WEDNESDAY 1.2 Bread and wine were part of the Passover meal, but Jesus gave new meaning to them. How did he speak of the bread? How did he speak of the wine? ----------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL 2. INTERPRETATION QUESTIONS. What does the text mean? ----------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Why did Jesus speak of the bread as his body? What did the bread have in common with his body? 2.2 Why did Jesus speak of the wine as his blood? What did the wine have in common with his blood? ------------ THURSDAY 2.3 According to Jesus, in what sense did his blood bring about forgiveness of sin? 2.4 Why is this considered a sacred remembrance for Christians today? ---------- FRIDAY ----------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL 3. APPLICATION QUESTIONS. What does it mean to me? ----------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 In what sense was Jesus' blood poured out for your own personal sins? Does this really have anything to do with you? Why or why not?