Dear friend, In December or January you signed up to be part of the "Intro to Jesus for the Undecided" Discussion List. We are now activating the list over the next six or seven weeks. As outlined at this is designed to help those undecided about faith in Jesus to explore Jesus' life, teachings, way of treating people, etc., so as to come to a more accurate conclusion about Jesus. We have deliberately excluded enthusiastic Christians who might try to bombard you. Rather this group is made up of about a dozen people who are exploring the Christian faith together to see if it will work for them. You come from the US and Europe, from the Pacific Rim and Australia, and all in between. I will be moderating the group by offering questions for study. I see my role as helping to point you in the right direction and getting you to explore some helpful questions. In addition, Joanne Gucwa will serve as our assistant moderator. While she is a Christian, she is not trained theologically as I am. So she may be helpful in understanding and relating to some of your struggles from a different perspective than my own. Together, we will try to make this discussion group a healthy and safe place to inquire and learn and grow. Don't expect this discussion group to be argumentative about the existence of God, etc. Our narrow focus is to discuss what the Bible tells us about Jesus, and to explore the implications of Jesus as he is revealed there. So the tenor will not be a debate, but an exploration of data, data in this case found in the Bible. (Maybe I am giving away some of my scientific research background ;-) ) You need to realize that we don't consider our mission to "save your soul" -- though we'll be praying that God will reveal himself to you during this study. Rather than trying to persuade you, we'll try to help you encounter face-to- face and close up the Jesus of the Bible. If we succeed in doing that, we believe you *will* be persuaded. Our method is to take one brief Bible passage each week to examine. We'll scrutinize it at three levels: Level 1: Observation. What does it say? Level 2: Interpretation. What does it mean? Level 3: Application. What does it mean to me? We'll do this by means of questions which I'll distribute prior to that week, which we'll examine via e-mail discussion during the week. In other groups we have found this approach really lends itself to learning and reflection. You'll see what I mean when I send out the first questions. But please stay on topic. With religious topics it is easy to get very far afield, and not get anywhere at all. If you have some friends who are willing to abide by the rules of this group, as you agreed when you signed up, please point them to so they can apply, too. I look forward to getting to know you better during this study. God bless you, Ralph P.S. Over the next day or two I'll be sending several things as preparation for this study. If you don't currently have a Bible, please see if you can lay your hands on one. You'll be needing one for this study. ;-)