Dear friends, For the first week we'll be tackling one of Jesus' classic teachings: "The Good Samaritan." But hopefully, we'll be going deeper than the normal "You should help people" truism. ------------------------------------------------------------ THE GOOD SAMARITAN Luke 10:25-37 ------------------------------------------------------------ MONDAY LEVEL 1: OBSERVATION QUESTIONS. WHAT DOES THE TEXT MEAN? QUESTION 1.1 List the seven individuals mentioned in vss. 25-37 in addition to the robbers. QUESTION 1.2 In a nutshell, what are the two Old Testament commands required to inherit eternal life? (vss. 25-28) NOTE: The Samaritans were half-breed Jews who were utterly despised by the full-blood Jews in Jesus' day. The priests and Levites were ordained religious leaders who were supposed to be careful not to ritually defile themselves with corpses, etc. -------------- TUESDAY QUESTION 1.3 Do you think the incident of the Good Samaritan really happen, or was it fiction? Does it matter? Why did Jesus tell it? What do you call this kind of story used in teaching? ------------ Level 2: INTERPRETATION QUESTIONS WEDNESDAY QUESTION 2.1 The priest and Levite didn't go near the man lying beside the road. How did their action relate to keeping (or not keeping) one of the two commandments the expert in the law had quoted? QUESTION 2.2 Did the Levite or priest keep either commandment? Why or why not? ---------------- THURSDAY QUESTION 2.3 How would you answer the lawyer's question, "Who is my neighbor?" (vs. 29) in light of Jesus' story? QUESTION 2.4 Which of the characters in the parable best fits Jesus Himself? IN WHAT WAYS does He fit that character? ---------------- FRIDAY Level 3: APPLICATION QUESTIONS QUESTION 3.1 What opportunities to show mercy have you had recently? Which have you blown? Which have you taken advantage of? QUESTION 3.2 What does this parable tell us about Jesus himself? -------------- SATURDAY AND SUNDAY No questions this weekend. We'll begin with a new passage on Monday, January 27.