Songs and Hymns based on Romans 5-8 - Christ Powered Life

collected by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson

There are a great many songs and hymns that talk about redemption, the Holy Spirit, and the struggle with sin. However, few of them are really based on the words of our text. Here are a few I found. Some I have included primarily for the lyrics, others are quite singable. Doubtless you'll know of others. Tunes and words to most out-of-copyright hymns can be found at Tunes and words for many newer songs and choruses can be found using's SongSelect service.

5:1-8 "Therefore, Being Justified by Faith," composer unknown, (arrangement ©1972, Scripture in Song)
5:1-8 "Peace with God," words and music by David Wertz (©2005, David Wertz)
5:5 "Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove," words: Isaac Watts (1707), music: "St. Agnes," John B. Dykes (1866).
5:5 "Jesus Loves Even Me," words and music: Philip P. Bliss (1870)
5:8 "Amazing Love, O What Sacrifice" ("... my debt He pays and my death He dies..."), words and music by Graham Kendrick (©1989, Make Way Music)
5:8 "And Can It Be" ("Amazing love, how can it be?"), words: Charles Wesley (1738), music: "Sagina," Thomas Campbell (1825).
5:10 "We Are Reconciled," by Jeff Nelson and Vince Wilcox (©1993, HeartService Music, Inc., Paragon Music Corp.)
5:20 "Grace Greater Than Our Sin," words: Julia H. Johnston (1911), Daniel B. Towner (1910)
6:1-11 "We Know that Christ Is Raised and Dies No More" ("... We share by water in his saving death..."), words: John Brownlow Geyer (©1969), music: "National City," Lawrence P. Schreiber (1965), music ©1967, Chalice Press.
6:3-4 "Into Your Death," words and music by Robin Mann (©1985, Robin Mann)
6:3-4 "Other Side of the Grave," by Dwight Liles, Jon Mohr, Phil Naish, and Steve Green (©1984, Jonathan Mark Music, BMG Songs, Inc., Birdwing Music)
6:3-14 "A Watery Grave," words and music by Greg Campbell (©Greg Campbell, basic music ministries)
6:4 "If We Have Died to Ourselves in Jesus," words and music by Marty Haugen (©1984 GIA Publications, Inc.)
6:4 "I Come to Be Baptized Today, to die with Christ and rise again," words: Susan Adams (1993), music: English folk melody (words ©1995, Chalice Press)
6:8 "Buried with Christ," words: T. Ryder, music: William J. Kirkpatrick (1838-1921)
6:11 "Moment by Moment" ("Dying with Jesus by death reckoned mine...."), words: Daniel W. Whittle (1893), music: May W. Moody.
6:12-13 "Romans 6:12-13" ("Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal bodies"), words and music by Mark Blankenship (©1982, Broadman Press)
6:13 "Take My Life, and Let It Be," words: Frances R. Havergal (1874), music: "Hendon," Henri A. C. Malan (1823)
6:13 "Cover the Earth" ("Let me be an instrument"), by Cindy Cruse-Ratcliff, Israel Houghton, and Meleasa Houghton (©2003, Integrity's Praise! Music)
6:13 "Holy Spirit Come" ("... Let me be an instrument of your will today"), words and music by Thomas Andrew Scott (©205, Lionsong Music)
6:13 "I Give" ("I know that I could be an instrument..."), words and music by Donna Lasit (©2004, Maranatha! Music)
6:13 "Instrument of Grace," words and music by Joseph M. Martin (Lorenz Publishing Co.)
6:13 "Instruments of Your Peace," words and music by Deby and Kirk Dearman (©1993, Expressions of Praise Music, Maranatha! Music)
6:13 "Instrument of Worship," words and music by Robert Bicknell (©1977, ZionSong Music)
6:13 "Lord, Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace," words: St. Francis of Assisi, music: Stephen L. Lawrence (©2002, Lorenz Publishing Company)
6:13 "Peace Prayer" ("Lord, make me an instrument of your peace"), words and music by John Michael Talbot (©1980 Birdwing Music, BMG Songs Inc.)
6:19 "Holy Flame come purify, breath of presence sanctify," words and music by Cheryl A. B. Boydston (©2004, Cheryl A. B. Boydston)
6:19 "Pleasing to You" ("Sanctify me, clean out my closet"), words and music by Jared Anderson (©2007, Vertical Worship songs)
6:19 "Sanctify Me" ("... purify me, make me holy, make me new"), words and music by Rob Still (©Worship Together Music)
6:19 "Sanctified, I have been set free," by Barry Graul, Bart Millard, Jim Bryson, Mike Scheuchzer, Nathan Cochran, and Robby Shaffer (©2007, Simpleville Music)
7:15 "I Would, but Cannot Sing," words: John Newton (1779), music: "Southwell (Daman)," William Daman (1579)
7:24 "Release Me from Me" ("Untie me, unbind me from the old man...."), words and music by Tim Timmons (©2004, 121 Music)
7:25 "I Do Not Come Because My Soul," words: Frank B. St. John (1878), music: "Kommt Her zu Mir," German melody (c. 1400)
8:1 "And Can It Be" ("Amazing love, how can it be?"), words: Charles Wesley (1738), music: "Sagina," Thomas Campbell (1825).
8:1 "Behold, the Son of God" ("There is no condemnation now for those...."), words and music by Robin Mark (©2001, Integrity's Hosanna! Music)
8:1 "I'm Accepted" ("I'm forgiven, I am fathered ... no condemnation"), words and music by Rob Hayward (©1985, Thankyou Music)
8:1 "No Condemnation," words and music by Charles F. Monroe (©1973, Integrity's Hosanna! Music)
8:1 "Sweet Forgiveness Found in Jesus" ("There is therefore no condemnation"), words and music by Scott Underwood (©1999, Mercy / Vineyard Publishing)
8:1 "Sanctified, I have been set free," by Barry Graul, Bart Millard, Jim Bryson, Mike Scheuchzer, Nathan Cochran, and Robby Shaffer (©2007, Simpleville Music)
8:1-2 "There Is Therefore Now No Condemnation," Marion Warrington (©1974, Jugend mit einer Mission, e.V.)
8:1, 2, 14 "There Is No Condemnation," composer unknown (©1972, Scripture in Song)
8:1-15 "Only Natural" ("I've got the Spirit of the living God alive in me, giving me power, so I don't have to be only natural"), words and music by Steven Curtis Chapman.
8:5 "Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart," words: George Croly (1780-1860), music: Frederick C. Atkinson (1841-1897)
8:11 "If the Same Spirit that Raised Christ from the Dead" (©Gospel Crusade, Harvest Time, Bradenton, FL)
8:5-6 "Focus" ("I've got my mind set...."), words and music by Kim Wilcox (©2005, Healing Tree Music)
8:14 "Fruit of the Spirit" ("We need to be filled with the Spirit, to walk in the Spirit, be Led by the Spirit of God"). Words and music by Terry Butler (©2001, Mercy / Vineyard Publishing)
8:14-15 "For As Many As Are Led by the Spirit of God," words and music by David Rios.
8:15 "Abba Father," words and music by Dave Bilbrough (©1977, Thankyou Music)
8:15 "Abba, Father" ("deep within my soul I cry"), words and music by Steve Fry (©1979, Birdwing Music, BMG Songs, Inc.)
8:15 "Abba, Father," words and music by Cindy Rethmeier (©1994, Mercy / Vineyard Publishing)
8:15 "Abba Father, how I love you," words and music by Darlene Zschech (©1999, Hillsong Publishing)
8:15 "Consume Me with Your Love" ("Abba Father"), by Cindy Rethmeier and Eddie Espinosa (©1989 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing)
8:15 "Family Song" ("We cry Abba Father"), words and music by Steven Hampton (©1983, Scripture in Song)
8:15 "Adopted," words: Fanny Crosby (1900), music: John R. Sweny.
8:16 "O Thou Whose Spirit Witness Bears," words: Frederick L. Hosmer, music: "Caithness," Scottish Psalter (1635)
8:15, 26 "Abba Father" ("With shadows closing in, the Spirit helps His family to pray"), words and music by Tom Howard (©1988, Maranatha! Music)
8:16 "How can we sinners know our sins on earth forgiven?" words: Charles Wesley (1749), music: "St. Michael," Louis Bourgeois (1551, adapted 1836)
8:16-17 "I've Been Adopted," words and music by Stephen R. Adams (©1972, Pilot Point Music)
8:16-17 "Stay" ("... I was an orphan, You adopted me"), by Brian Doerksen, Brian Thiessen, and Paul Janz (©1995, Vineyard Songs Canada, ION Publishing)
8:16-17 "The Family of God," Gloria and William J. Gaither (©1970, William J. Gaither, Inc.)
8:17 "A Child of the King," words: Harriet E. Buell (1877), music: John B. Sumner (1877).
8:17 "We Are Family" ("We are heirs of the Father..."), by Carol and Jimmy Owens (©1975, Bud John Songs, Inc.)
8:17 "O That Will be Glory," words and music by Charles H. Gabriel (1900).
8:18-21 "Creation Sings Each Plant and Tree" ("Creation groans to see the day, which ends all bondage, all decay"), by Dimitri S. Bortnianski and Martin E. Leckebusch (©1995, Kevin Mayhew Ltd.)
8:18-21 "Jesus Reigns" ("Creation will groan, the doubting will know"), by Beau Bedford and Susan Gray (©2004, Glory Alleluia Music)
8:22 "Christ Is Coming" ("Let creation from her groans and travail cease...."), words: John R. Macduff (1853), music: "Unser Herrscher," Joachim Neander (1680)
8:22 "Come, Lord, and Tarry Not" ("Come for creation groans..."), words: Horatius Bonar (1846), music: "St. Bride," Samuel Howard (1762)
8:22 "Father, When Shall All the Weary Earth," words: Denis Wortman (1892), music: Theodore E. Perkins.
8:22 "Savior! Hasten Thine Appearing" ("Lord! how long shall the creation / groan and travail sore in pain...."), words: James G. Deck (1838), music: "Coronae," William H. Monk (1871)
8:26 "Harvest of Hope" ("For the Spirit helps us in our weakness, interceding with sighs nonetheless..."), words and music by Fred Monk (©2003, Fred Monk)
8:28 "God Is Working for Our Good," words and music by Mark Hayes (©2005, Lorenz Publishing Company)
8:28 "All Things," words and music by Chris Christensen (©1990, Integrity's Hosanna! Music)
8:28 "For All You've Done" ("for we know all things work together for good"), words and music by Don Moen (©1997, Integrity's Hosanna! Music)
8:28 "For Our Good," by Ed Kerr and Kim Noblitt (©2001, Bobby Noble Music, McKinney Music Inc.)
8:28 "You Are in Control," words and music by Scott Underwood (©1997, Mercy / Vineyard Publishing)
8:28 "Together for the Good," words and music by Steve Wiggins (©2002, Photon Music)
8:28 "All Things Work Together," words and music by Twila Paris (©2005, Mountain Spring Music)
8:28-30 "Chosen, Justified, and Glorified" ("... All things work for good when we know Jesus"), words and music by Philip Percival (©1996, Philip Percival)
8:28, 32 "Together for Good," words and music by Ed Kerr (©1992, Integrity's Hosanna! Music)
8:28-39 "God Is Still for Us" ("and all things work for good for those ..."), words and music by Johnny Parks (©2001, Thankyou Music)
8:29 "Can the World See Jesus in You?" words and music by Leila N. Morris (1917)
8:29 "Conform Us to You," words and music by Jeremy Sauskojus (©2000 MooHoo Music)
8:29 "Jesus, My Savior, Let Me Be" ("... more perfectly conformed to Thee"), words: Benjamin Beddome (1717-1795), music: "Conformity," James Funk (1832)
8:29 "Print Thine Image, Pure and Holy" ("... on my heart, O Lord of Grace"), words: Thomas H. Kingo (1689), music: "Freu Dich Sehr" 1551)
8:29 "Take My Life" ("... Take my will, conform it to Yours, to Yours, oh Lord"), words and music by Scott Underwood (©1995 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing)
8:29 "Nothing Left of Me" ("Your Spirit is the only One, that can conform me to Your Son"), Jeffrey B. Scott and Joel Engle (©2001 SPIN Three-Sixty Music), Maggie Hold You Music)
8:29 "Savior of Fallen Hearts" ("... until I am conformed to your glorious image"), words and music by Debbie Shaeffer (©2002, Fred Bock Music Company)
8:31 "If God Himself Be for Me, I may a host defy," words: Paul Gerhardt (1656), translated by Richard Massie (1856), music: "Missionary Hymn," Lowell Mason (1823)
8:31-32 "This I Know my God is for me" ("If God did not spare His only Son"), words and music by Mark Altrogge (©Dayspring Music LLC)
8:31-32 "On Our Side," by Chris Tomlin, Ed Cash, and Jesse Reeves (©2004, songs, sixsteps Music, Alletrop Music)
8:31-39 "If God Is for Us," words and music by Sheri Carr (©1998, Mercy / Vineyard Publishing)
8:31-39 "More Than Conquerors" ("If God is for us who could be against us"), words and music by Greg Mailloux (©2001, Greg Mailloux)
8:33-39 "Your Love Is Deep," by Dan Collins, Jami Smith, and Susanna Bussey (©2001, Integrity's Hosanna! Music)
8:32 "Who Shall the Lord's Elect Condemn? 'Tis God that justifies their souls," words: Isaac Watts (1707-1709), Music: "Cromer," John A. Lloyd, Sr. (1815-1874)
8:33 "My Soul Complete in Jesus Stands," words: Grace W. Hinsdale (1865), music: "Canonbury," adapted by Robert A. Schumann (1839)
8:34 "I Am Not Skilled to Understand what God hath willed, what God hath planned," words: Dorothy Greenwell (1873), music: "Greenwell," William J. Kirkpatrick (1885)
8:35 "The Love of God," words and music: Frederick M. Lehman (1917).
8:35 "Deep and Wide" ("nobody can separate me..."), words and music by John Watilo (©2004, Corderzon Music)
8:35 "Everlasting," by Denbigh Cherry and John Sherrill (©2002 Denbigh Cherry Music, Reach Ministries Inc.)
8:35-37 "Who Shall Separate Us," words and music by Greg Worzel (©1998, Integrity's Hosanna! Music)
8:35, 1 "For me" ("Who can separate me from His love, who can snatch me from his hand...."), words and music by Alan Rose (©2003, Thankyou Music)
8:35-39 "Who Shall Separate Us," by David Baroni and Wayne Tate (©1997, Integrity's Praise! Music, Integrity's Hosanna! Music)
8:35-37 "Apple of His Eye" ("Nothing can separate us ... we are more than conquerors..."), words and music by Roger S. Thrower (©2002, Footstool Music Publishing)
8:37 "More Than Conquerors," words: Jeremiah E. Rankin (1828-1904), music: William A. Ogden (1841-1897)
8:37 "Champions" ("We are champions for Christ ... conquerors and warriors commissioned by the King"), words and music by Israel Houghton (©1998, Integrity's Praise! Music)
8:37 "More Than Conquerors," words and music by Vincent Charles (©1993, Zion Music)
8:37 "We Are More Than Conquerors," words and music by Steve Fry (©1986, Birdwing Music)
8:37 "Thanks Be to God" ("In all things we are more than conquerors"), words and music by Ron Myers (©1995, CFN Music)
8:37 "More Than Conquerors," by Bill and Janny Grein (©1987, Birdwing Music, BMG Songs, SpiritQuest Music)
8:37 "More Than Conquerors," words and music by Orlando Tumacder (©2006, Orlando Tumacder / PowerPraise Hawaii)
8:37 "More Than Conquerors," words and music by Tony Miller (©2002, Integrity's Hosanna! Music)
8:37-39 "We Are More than Conquerors," words and music by Steve Fry (©1986, Birdwing Music)
8:38-39 "O Love of God, How Strong and True," words: Horatius Bonar (1861), music: "Brookfield," Thomas B. Southgate (1855)
8:38-39 "I Am Persuaded," composer unknown, in Rejoice in Jesus Always (©1973, Maranatha Evangelical Association)
8:38-39 "For I Am Convinced," words and music by Rob Bryceson (©1988, Little Peach Music)
8:38-39 "I Am Convinced," by Brenton Brown and Brian Doerksen (©2002, Integrity's Hosanna Music, Vineyard Songs (UK/Eire))
8:38-39 "For I'm Persuaded," words and music by Erica Howard (©1978, His Eye Music)
8:37-39 "We Are Persuaded," Dony McGuire, Gloria Gaither, William J. Gaither (©1979, Takalofme Music, William J. Gaither, Inc.)
8:38-39 "Nothing Can Separate Us," by Darren Varieur and Larry Hampton (©1996, Mercy / Vineyard Publishing)
8:38-39 "Nothing," words and music by Chris Joyner (©2004, Chris Joyner Music)
8:39 "Neither Height, Nor Depth, Nor Breadth," words: Helen V. Armacost (1913), music: Alfred H. Ackley

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Jesus' Parables for Disciples, by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson
Discipleship for New Believers

In-depth Bible study books

You can purchase one of Dr. Wilson's complete Bible studies in PDF, Kindle, or paperback format -- currently 48 books in the JesusWalk Bible Study Series.

Old Testament

  1. Abraham, Faith of
  2. Jacob, Life of
  3. Moses the Reluctant Leader
  4. Joshua
  5. Gideon
  6. David, Life of
  7. Elijah
  8. Psalms
  9. Solomon
  10. Songs of Ascent (Psalms 120-134)
  11. Isaiah
  12. 28 Advent Scriptures (Messianic)
  13. Daniel
  14. Rebuild & Renew: Post-Exilic Books


  1. Christmas Incarnation (Mt, Lk)
  2. Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5-7)
  3. Luke's Gospel
  4. John's Gospel
  5. Seven Last Words of Christ
  6. Parables
  7. Jesus and the Kingdom of God
  8. Resurrection and Easter Faith
  9. Apostle Peter


  1. Early Church (Acts 1-12)
  2. Apostle Paul (Acts 11-28)

Pauline Epistles

  1. Romans 5-8 (Christ-Powered Life)
  2. 1 Corinthians
  3. 2 Corinthians
  4. Galatians
  5. Ephesians
  6. Philippians
  7. Colossians, Philemon
  8. 1 & 2 Thessalonians
  9. 1 &2 Timothy, Titus

General Epistles

  1. Hebrews
  2. James
  3. 1 & 2 Peter, Jude
  4. 1, 2, and 3 John


  1. Revelation
  2. Conquering Lamb of Revelation


  1. Glorious Kingdom, The
  2. Grace: Favor for the Undeserving
  3. Great Prayers of the Bible
  4. Holy Spirit, Disciple's Guide
  5. Humility
  6. JesusWalk: Beginning the Journey
  7. Lamb of God
  8. Listening for God's Voice
  9. Lord's Supper: Disciple's Guide
  10. Names and Titles of God
  11. Names and Titles of Jesus

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