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Dr. Wilson's Books
1 Corinthians
Discipleship Lessons from a Troubled Church
One of the foundational letters of the New Testament
The church at Corinth was troubled. It was five years old, but had divisions, doctrinal problems, and all kinds of disorder. One faction tried to justify going to prostitutes, which was widely accepted in their culture. Others thought they were so spiritual that they should avoid sex in marriage in favor of celibacy. Speaking in tongues was rampant, while most other spiritual gifts were being neglected. Idolatry was reclaiming some of the new believers. Observing the Lord's Supper was a farce. This church had serious problems. More than that, many of the Corinthians resented Paul's influence and tried to minimize his apostolic authority.
This is one of Paul's most spirited letters -- harsh in spots as he seeks to steer this young congregation away from pitfalls that threaten to destroy it. More than anywhere else in Paul's letters, you'll find instruction on church unity, balanced worship, the Lord's Supper, church discipline, the resurrection and Christ's coming, divorce and marriage.
The Letter contains numerous notable verses.
- "I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some" (9:22).
- "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man..." (10:13).
- "The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread..." (11:23-26).
- "Love is patient, love is kind..." (13:4-8).
- "We shall all be, changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet..." (15:51-52).
- And many, many more....
1 Corinthians is a long letter -- sixteen chapters -- but Paul's most important epistle for shaping the Christian church. This study explores First Corinthians in 15 lessons. Helpful thought and discussion questions make it useful for personal enrichment and by small groups and classes. Extensive research contained in the footnotes makes it a goldmine for teachers and a boon to preachers involved in sermon preparation.
Here's the abbreviated table of contents of this 305-page book:
- Preface
- Introduction to 1 Corinthians
I. Healing a Divided Church (1 Corinthians 1-4)
- Healing Church Divisions (1:1-17a)
- Human vs. Spiritual Wisdom (1:17b-2:16)
- Building a Healthy Church on Christ's Foundation (3:1-23)
- The Struggles and Joys of Christian Leaders (4:1-21)
II. A Christian View of Sex and Marriage (5:1-7:40)
- Confronting Immorality in a Cleansed Church (5:1-13)
- An Exhortation against Sexual Sin (6:1-18)
- Marriage and Divorce at the End of the Age (7:1-40)
III. Idolatry and Christian Freedom (8:1-10:33)
- The Case for Spiritual Purity (chapters 8 and 10)
- Understanding a Leader's Passion (9:1-27)
IV. Public Worship and Its Worthy Conduct (11-14)
- Worship and Communion in the Early Church (11:1-34)
- Diverse and Unifying Gifts in the Church (12:1-31)
- Love
-- A More Excellent Way (13:1-13)
Excursus on the Meaning of "That Which Is Perfect" (13:10) - Prophecy and Ministry by the Holy Spirit (14:1-39)
V. The Resurrection and Conclusion (15-16)
- Resurrection and the Coming of Christ (15:1-58)
- Giving and Personal Matters (16:1-24)
- Appendix 1. Participant Handout Guides
- Appendix 2. The Author's Personal Experience
- Appendix 3. Tentative Chronology of Paul and the Corinthians (50-56 AD)
Participant lesson handouts can be downloaded and printed for your group or class at no charge.
The book is available in both paperback and e-book
Copyright © 2025, Ralph F. Wilson. <> All rights reserved. A single copy of this article is free. Do not put this on a website. See legal, copyright, and reprint information.
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In-depth Bible study books
You can purchase one of Dr. Wilson's complete Bible studies in PDF, Kindle, or paperback format -- currently 48 books in the JesusWalk Bible Study Series.
Old Testament
- Abraham, Faith of
- Jacob, Life of
- Moses the Reluctant Leader
- Joshua
- Gideon
- David, Life of
- Elijah
- Psalms
- Solomon
- Songs of Ascent (Psalms 120-134)
- Isaiah
- 28 Advent Scriptures (Messianic)
- Daniel
- Rebuild & Renew: Post-Exilic Books
- Christmas Incarnation (Mt, Lk)
- Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5-7)
- Luke's Gospel
- John's Gospel
- Seven Last Words of Christ
- Parables
- Jesus and the Kingdom of God
- Resurrection and Easter Faith
- Apostle Peter
Pauline Epistles
- Romans 5-8 (Christ-Powered Life)
- 1 Corinthians
- 2 Corinthians
- Galatians
- Ephesians
- Philippians
- Colossians, Philemon
- 1 & 2 Thessalonians
- 1 &2 Timothy, Titus
General Epistles