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Bible Studies

Beginning the Journey (for new Christians). en Español
Old Testament
David, Life of
Songs of Ascent (Ps 120-135)
Advent/Messianic Scriptures
Rebuild & Renew: Post-Exilic Books
Christmas Incarnation
(Mt, Lk)
Sermon on the Mount
(Mt 5-7)
John's Gospel
7 Last Words of Christ
Jesus and the Kingdom
Apostle Peter
The Early Church
(Acts 1-12)
Apostle Paul
(Acts 12-28)
Paul's Epistles
Christ Powered Life (Rom 5-8)
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
Vision for Church
& 2 Thessalonians
1 & 2 Timothy,
General Epistles
1 Peter
2 Peter, Jude
1, 2, and 3 John
Conquering Lamb of Revelation
Glorious Kingdom, The
Great Prayers
Holy Spirit, Disciple's Guide
Lamb of God
Listening for God's Voice
Lord's Supper
Names of God
Names of Jesus
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Dr. Wilson's Books
JesusWalk® Publications
Bible Study Books
The JesusWalk Bible Study Series offers books and studies that challenge Christians to grow deeper as disciples.
![]() Dr. Ralph F. Wilson, About the author. |
Since 1996 Dr. Ralph F. Wilson has been teaching the Bible over the Internet to tens of thousands of e-mail students. Originally designed for e-mail, these studies are also available in book form, both as paperback books as well as e-books (electronic books in PDF and Kindle formats). These are published by JesusWalk Publications, the publishing arm of Joyful Heart Renewal Ministries.
These books are suitable for personal study, use with a class or group, as well as preparation for preaching and teaching. Most include extensive Greek or Hebrew word studies, with appropriate references footnoted for those who want confidence in the source as well as to inquire further. All books include discussion questions that can be duplicated for use with groups..
You can purchase one of Dr. Wilson's complete Bible studies in PDF, Kindle, or paperback format -- currently 50 books in the JesusWalk Bible Study Series.
Newest book:
Disciple's Guide to a Humble Life. A
180-page book in
7 lessons that explores Jesus' core teachings on
humility, plus the related virtues that come with
humility. Lots of digging in Scripture.
Old Testament
- Disciple Lessons from the Faith of Abraham. This 172-page study explores the life and faith of Abraham, "the friend of God," and Sarah his wife. It traces the covenant, promises, faith, God's names, sacrifices, and the basis of righteousness by faith.
- Discipleship Lessons from the Life of Jacob is a 117-page book with seven lessons drawn from the various phases of Jacob's life. You can watch his character grow through his experiences.
- Moses the Reluctant Leader: Discipleship and Leadership Lessons is a 200-page, 9-lesson study of the life of Moses, with a particular emphasis on his growth as a leader, both strengths and weaknesses.
- Joshua: Courageous Discipleship. Traces the Israelite's conquest of the Promised Land in 8 lessons, 150 pages, with an emphasis on what courage in following the Lord looks like.
- Gideon: Disciple Lessons from the Bronze Age. An 80-page study of Gideon's life (Joshua 6-8) in 4 lessons.
Life of David: Discipleship Lessons is a 287-page, 13-lesson study of the life of the psalmist, king, and ancestor of the Messiah. It's filled with maps and charts to help you understand his life and times in depth.
- King Solomon: Wisdom, Wealth, Weakness. A 172-page study of Solomon's life in 6 lessons. Here is a man love God and is loved by God. A king who has everything -- a genius in several fields, an intellect without par -- yet at the end we find him building shrines to false gods. Why?
- Elijah: Rebuilding Yahweh's Altar. 156 pages in 7 lessons. Studies the life and ministry of Elijah, who God called to turn an entire backsliding nation back to God.
- Experiencing the Psalms A 233-page study which looks at more than three dozen favorite psalms in 12 lessons. The focus is to experience the Psalms, not just understand them with the mind. Popular, heart-warming study.
- Songs of Ascent (Psalms 120-134)). 15 brief devotional studies of the Song of Ascents in Psalms 120 through 134, songs the pilgrims sang as they came up to Jerusalem for Passover. 109 pages.
- Isaiah: Discipleship Lessons from the Fifth Gospel is a 233-page, 11-lesson study of Isaiah's prophecy. It includes 13 maps and dozens of discussion questions to engage you and your audience, if you're a preacher or teachers.
- 28 Advent Scriptures: Readings and Resources for the Christmas Season Covers all the major Old Testament messianic prophecies, plus New Testament advent readings.160 pages. Can be used for daily readings for Advent.
- Daniel: Faithful Discipleship in a Foreign Land. Explores the examples of faithful discipleship as well as the messianic prophecies found in the book of Daniel. 192 pages.
- Rebuild & Renew: The Post-Exilic Books of Ezra, Nehemiah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi. 272-page book in 10 lessons that explores the history and prophets of Judah following the Exile.
Christmas Incarnation is 4-lesson study of the birth of Jesus Christ. On successive weeks it examines Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds, and the Wise Men and Christmas Star. It is ideal for Advent season Bible studies. Available as free YouTube videos. Paperback (5" x 8"): 89 pages. PDF (8.5" x 11"): 64 pages.
Sermon on the Mount: The Jesus Manifesto. This 184-page book covers Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7 in 13 sessions. Challenging!
- JesusWalk: Disciple Lessons from Luke's Gospel. A comprehensive, 805-page study of Jesus' life and teaching as portrayed by Luke in nearly 120 lessons. Widely used for classes and small groups, as well as grist for many a sermon series.
- John's Gospel: A Discipleship Journey with Jesus. A major study of the Gospel of John that traces what Jesus taught his disciples. 459 pages
- Seven Last Words of Christ from the Cross, looks briefly at each of Christ's last words. Ideal for personal study and Good Friday service preparation. Paperback (5" x 8"): 100 pages. PDF (8.5" x 11"): 59 pages.
- Jesus' Parables for Disciples: Over 100 Stories, Analogies, and Figurative Sayings, 321 pages in 12 lessons. Explores over 100 parables, allegories, analogies, and figurative sayings of the Master.
- Jesus and the Kingdom of God: Discipleship Lessons is a 164-page, 10-lesson study of Jesus' teaching and parables on the Kingdom of God. These are challenging and excellent for forming principles of discipleship in our lives.
Resurrection and Easter Faith examines Jesus' resurrection. In 5 lessons it looks at Old Testament glimpses of resurrection, the gospel accounts, convincing proofs of Christ's resurrection, the present-day meaning of the resurrection, and the promise of resurrection at the Last Day. Paperback (5" x 8"): 108 pages. PDF (8.5" x 11"): 68 pages.
- Acts 1-12. The Early Church: Acts 1-12: Discipleship Lessons from the Holy Spirit. Formation of the Church in Jerusalem, Pentecost, and reaching out to the Gentiles. 9 lessons, 200 pages.
- Acts 12-28. Apostle Paul: Passionate Discipleship. 331 pages in 11 lessons. Traces Paul's life and teachings, using the Acts narrative as a backbone, and supplementing it with key excerpts from Paul's letters.
Pauline Epistles
Romans 5-8: The Christ Powered Life. This 200 page study examines core concepts on growing as a Spirit-led disciple
- 1 Corinthians: Discipleship Lessons from a Troubled Church is a 305-page study in 15 lessons that help you study this core Pauline letter.
- 2 Corinthians: Discipleship Lessons is a 175-page, 12-lesson study of Paul's second letter to the Corinthian church. It gives us the most intimate portrait of St. Paul and provides encouragement to continue on whatever the hardship.
Galatians: Discipleship Lessons is a 141-page, 9-lesson study of Paul's letter to the Galatians. This is one of Paul's foundational epistles that teaches salvation by faith and walking by the Spirit.
- Ephesians: Discipleship Lessons. A 175-page study of Paul's Letter to the Ephesians in 16 lessons. Contains exposition, class questions, and inductive questions. Paul discusses spiritual warfare, the church, spiritual gifts, Christian marriage, and a host of other topics.
- Philippians: Disciple Lessons.. A 129-page book that offers an in-depth look at Paul's letter to the Philippians in 9 lessons.
- Colossians and Philemon: Christ Is Supreme: Discipleship Lessons is a 140-page, 9-lesson study of these New Testament Pauline letters. One highlight of Colossians is Paul's teaching about the glorified Christ!
- 1 & 2 Thessalonians: Discipleship Lessons. Paul's earliest letters, and his fullest teaching on eschatology. 148 pages, 9 chapters.
- 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus: Leadership and Discipleship Lessons. This 200-page study looks at leadership lessons taught by Paul to his young co-workers Timothy and Titus on handling problems in the Ephesian and Cretan churches. This 12-lesson study is great for training church leaders.
- Hebrews: Disciple Lessons. A 186-page study of the Epistle to the Hebrews, in 13 lessons. Examines the Christ's nature, humanity, divinity, and high priesthood. Special encouragement to faith during trials.
- James: Practical Christianity. This 102-page book provides a challenging look at the Letter of James in 8 lessons, including discussion questions.
- 1 & 2 Peter with Jude: Discipleship Lessons from the Fisherman. A careful, 218-page study of St. Peter's epistles plus Jude. Designed in 11 lessons for 1 Peter, 7 lessons for 2 Peter and Jude.
- John's Letter: Discipleship Lessons from 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John is a 130-page study of 1, 2, and 3 John in eight lessons.
- Disciple Lessons from the Book of Revelation. This 100-page book takes you through the whole scope of St. John's vision in 8 lessons. This is not a "key to unlock prophecy," but a desire to understand the message of this Book for the church today and then act upon it.
- Conquering Lamb of Revelation. 24 brief devotional studies of each instance where the Lamb of God occurs in Revelation. 113, pages.
Humility: Disciple's Guide to a Humble Life. A 180-page book in 7 lessons that explores Jesus' core teachings on humility, plus the related virtues that come with humility. Lots of digging in Scripture.
Glorious Kingdom: A Disciple's Guide to Kingdom Glory and Authority. 103-page book in 6 lessons that examines concepts of God's glory and kingdom in the Old and New Testaments.
- Grace: Favor for the Undeserving. 173 pages in 9 lessons. Explores the theme of grace in the Old and New Testaments, then considers what grace-filled living looks like in the believer.
- Great Prayers of the Bible: Disciple Lessons in Petition and Intercession. A 178-page study of prayers by people who knew how to pray -- Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus, Paul, Daniel, and others.
- Disciple's Guide to the Holy Spirit. 203 pages in 11 lessons. In depth study of the chief Bible passages on the Holy Spirit, with discussion questions and growth assignments.
JesusWalk: Beginning the Journey is a video-based (YouTube) curriculum for training new Christian believers. The 12-lesson, 108-page book can be used with a mentor or a small class or group.
- Lamb of God: Jesus' Atonement for Sin. 5-week Bible study on Jesus as the Lamb of God (Agnus Dei), focusing on themes of redemption and atonement from sin through Christ's sacrifice on the cross. This is an ideal series leading up to Good Friday and Easter. Paperback (5" x 8"): 111 pages; PDF (8.5" x 11"): 74 pages.
- Listening for God's Voice: A Discipleship Guide to a Closer Walk, 108 pages, in 10 lessons that offers Scriptural background and practical suggestions for learning to discern God's voice.
- Lord's Supper: Disciples Guide to the Eucharist or Communion. This is a 117-page, 10-lesson study of the Lord's Supper, Communion, Eucharist -- whatever it is called in your tradition. The focus is not the style of administering the elements, but the meaning as found in Scripture.
- Names and Titles of God. 200-page comprehensive study of all the names, titles, and descriptors of God. Includes detailed index, related worship songs, and an opportunity to get to know God better through his names. It is the most comprehensive study of its kind available anywhere.
- Names and Titles of Jesus: A Discipleship Study. 191-page book in 10 lessons, that explores all the major and minor names, titles, descriptors, and metaphors of Christ.
Copyright © 2025, Ralph F. Wilson. <> All rights reserved. A single copy of this article is free. Do not put this on a website. See legal, copyright, and reprint information.
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In-depth Bible study books
You can purchase one of Dr. Wilson's complete Bible studies in PDF, Kindle, or paperback format -- currently 48 books in the JesusWalk Bible Study Series.
Old Testament
- Abraham, Faith of
- Jacob, Life of
- Moses the Reluctant Leader
- Joshua
- Gideon
- David, Life of
- Elijah
- Psalms
- Solomon
- Songs of Ascent (Psalms 120-134)
- Isaiah
- 28 Advent Scriptures (Messianic)
- Daniel
- Rebuild & Renew: Post-Exilic Books
- Christmas Incarnation (Mt, Lk)
- Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5-7)
- Luke's Gospel
- John's Gospel
- Seven Last Words of Christ
- Parables
- Jesus and the Kingdom of God
- Resurrection and Easter Faith
- Apostle Peter
Pauline Epistles
- Romans 5-8 (Christ-Powered Life)
- 1 Corinthians
- 2 Corinthians
- Galatians
- Ephesians
- Philippians
- Colossians, Philemon
- 1 & 2 Thessalonians
- 1 &2 Timothy, Titus
General Epistles