Preface |
2 | |
Table of Contents |
4 | |
Introduction to Great Prayers of the Bible |
8 | |
Copy Pricing Policy |
10 | |
Abbreviations and References |
11 | |
1. The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15) |
13 | |
Salutation: Our Father (6:9b) |
14 |
Who Art in Heaven (6:9) |
15 |
Petition 1: That His Name Be Reverenced (6:9c) |
15 |
Petitions 2 and 3: For His Kingdom and Will (6:10) |
16 |
Petition 4: For Daily Needs |
17 |
Petition 5: Forgiveness (6:12, 14-15) |
19 |
Petitions 6 and 7: Help When Tempted (6:13) |
21 |
A Doxology (6:13c) |
23 |
The Disciples' Prayer |
23 |
2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14) |
26 | |
Setting the Scene |
27 |
Embarrassment at an Angry God |
27 |
God's Judgment on Israel (32:10) |
28 |
Elements of Moses' Intercession (32:11-13) |
28 |
Can Prayer Affect the Outcome of God's Actions? |
30 |
Predestination and Prayer |
30 |
Inviting Intercession (32:10) |
32 |
Repenting or Relenting (32:14) |
32 |
Immutability and the Will of God |
33 |
Having the Family Business at Heart |
34 |
3. Abraham's Prayer for Sodom (Genesis 18:16-33) |
36 | |
Setting the Stage |
37 |
The Sins of Sodom and Gomorrah (18:20-21) |
37 |
Will Not the Judge of All the Earth Do Right? (18:22-25) |
38 |
Boldness Mixed with Humility |
39 |
Why Does God Bargain with Abraham? |
40 |
Persistence in Prayer |
41 |
The Audacity of Prayer |
41 |
Lessons from Abraham's Intercession |
42 |
The Intercession of Jesus on Our Behalf |
42 |
4. David's Prayer for Pardon and Confession of Sin (Psalm 51) |
44 | |
Setting the Scene (2 Samuel 11-12) |
45 |
A Look at Psalm 51 |
46 |
1. Pleading for God's Mercy (51:1-2) |
47 |
2. Confessing and Acknowledging Sin (51:3-5) |
49 |
3. Hungering for a Pure Heart Once More (51:6-12) |
50 |
4. Resolving to Declare God's Grace (51:13-15) |
53 |
5. Offering the Sacrifice of a Contrite Heart (51:16-17) |
54 |
6. Praying for Jerusalem's Prosperity (51:18-19) |
55 |
Lessons from a Prayer for Pardon |
56 |
5. David's Prayer of Praise at the End of Life (1 Chronicles 29:9-20) |
59 | |
Setting the Scene (1 Chronicles 28-29) |
60 |
Giving toward the Future Temple (29:9) |
60 |
Praise to Yahweh (29:10) |
61 |
Power and Glory (29:11a) |
62 |
Thine Is the Kingdom and the Power (29:11b) |
63 |
Head over All (29:11b) |
64 |
Exalted One (29:11b) |
64 |
Wealth and Honor from Yahweh (29:12) |
65 |
Thanks and Praise (29:13) |
66 |
Everything Comes from You (29:14-16) |
67 |
Giving Willingly and Honestly (29:17) |
68 |
Prayer for Solomon and the People (29:18-19) |
68 |
Praise and Worship (29:20) |
68 |
6. David's Psalm of Surrender to the Searcher (Psalm 139) |
72 | |
Yahweh the Searcher (139:1-4) |
74 |
Hemmed In by God (139:5-7) |
74 |
The Omnipresent God (139:8-10) |
75 |
The Strong and Tender Hand of God (139:10-12) |
76 |
The Creator of My Inner Person (139:13-16) |
77 |
God's Precious Thoughts (139:17-18) |
79 |
Hating God's Enemies (139:19-22) |
80 |
Petition: Search Me and Test Me (139:23-24) |
80 |
The Path Leading into Eternity (139:24b) |
81 |
7. Hezekiah's Petitions for Deliverance and Healing (2 Kings 19:14-19; 20:1-7) |
85 | |
Hezekiah the King |
86 |
The Battle Is the Lord's (19:14-16) |
88 |
Hezekiah's Vision of Yahweh (19:15) |
89 |
A Prayer for Deliverance (19:15-19) |
90 |
The Answer to Prayer (19:20, 35-37) |
91 |
Hezekiah's Illness (2 Kings 20:1) |
91 |
God's Word and Human Response (20:1b) |
92 |
Hezekiah's Weeping (20:2-3) |
92 |
Turning His Face to the Wall (20:2) |
93 |
Hezekiah's Petition (20:2-3) |
93 |
God's Immediate Answer (20:4-7) |
94 |
Did Hezekiah Ask Wrongly? |
95 |
Why Did God Grant Hezekiah's Prayer? |
96 |
The Prayer of a Righteous Man or Woman |
96 |
The Bottom Line |
97 |
8. Daniel's Confession on Behalf of His People (Daniel :1-19) |
99 | |
Daniel's Life |
100 |
70 Years Are Completed (9:1-3) |
102 |
Confession of Israel's Sins (9:3-4a) |
102 |
Acknowledgement of Sin (9:4b-6) |
104 |
Daniel Confesses the Sin as His Own (9:5) |
105 |
Israel's Shame (9:7-11a) |
107 |
God's Punishment for Israel's Sins (9:11b-14) |
108 |
A Plea for Mercy (9:15-18) |
109 |
A Plea for Forgiveness (9:19) |
110 |
The Return from Exile |
110 |
What We Learn About Intercession |
110 |
9. Nehemiah's Prayer for Success (Nehemiah 1:1-2:9) |
113 | |
Nehemiah (1:1, 11c) |
116 |
Jerusalem in Disgrace (1:2-3) |
116 |
Mourning and Fasting (1:4) |
117 |
Great and Awesome God (1:5-6a) |
117 |
Confession of Sins (1:6b-7) |
119 |
Reciting God's Promise to Moses (1:8-9) |
119 |
The Dwelling Place of Your Name (1:9b) |
120 |
The Prayer of Your Servants (1:10-11) |
121 |
Nehemiah's Two Petitions (1:11) |
121 |
The Danger of Nehemiah's Request |
122 |
In the Presence of the King (2:1-4) |
123 |
An Arrow Prayer (2:4) |
124 |
Request to Rebuild the City (2:5-6) |
125 |
Request for Protection, Letters of Introduction, and Resources (2:7-9) |
125 |
What Do We Learn from Nehemiah's Prayer? |
126 |
10. Jesus' Prayer of Submission at Gethsemane (Luke 22:39-46) |
129 | |
Mount of Olives (22:39) |
129 |
Pray that You Resist Temptation (22:40) |
130 |
Kneeling in Prayer (22:41) |
131 |
The Prayer of Submission (22:42) |
131 |
Address: Father (22:42a) |
131 |
Condition: If You Are Willing (22:42b) |
132 |
Petition: Take This Cup from Me (22:42c) |
133 |
The Destiny of the Sin-Bearer |
134 |
Submission: Not My Will but Yours (22:42d) |
136 |
Strengthened by an Angel (22:43) |
137 |
Sweat Like Drops of Blood (22:44) |
137 |
Why Are You Sleeping? (22:45-46) |
138 |
11. Paul's Prayers for the Ephesian Believers (Ephesians 1:15-20; 3:14-21) |
141 | |
Remembering in Prayer with Thanksgiving (1:15-16) |
144 |
Petition 1. For People to Know God Better (1:17) |
144 |
Petition 2. A Prayer for Comprehension (1:18-19) |
146 |
Hope to Which He Has Called You (1:18b) |
146 |
His Glorious Inheritance in the Saints (1:18c) |
147 |
His Incomparably Great Power (1:18d) |
148 |
The Second Part of Paul's Prayer (3:14-21) |
150 |
Kneeling before the Father of All (3:14-15) |
151 |
Petition 3a. Strengthened in the Inner Being (3:16) |
151 |
Petition 3b: Christ Dwelling in Your Hearts (3:17a) |
152 |
Petition 4: Able to Comprehend the Fullest Extent of Love (3:17b-19a) |
152 |
Filled with the Fullness of God (3:19b) |
154 |
Doxology: His Power at Work in Us (3:20) |
154 |
Doxology: Glory in the Church (3:21) |
156 |
Appendix 1: Chronology of the End of the Monarchy, Exilic, Post-Exilic, and Intertestamental Periods |
161 | |
Appendix 2. Class Notes |
165 | |
1. The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15) |
166 |
2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14) |
167 |
3. Abraham's Prayer for Sodom (Genesis 18:16-33) |
168 |
4. David's Prayer for Pardon and Confession of Sin (Psalm 51) |
169 |
5. David's Prayer of Praise at the End of Life (1 Chronicles 29:9-20) |
170 |
6. David's Psalm of Surrender to the Searcher (Psalm 139) |
171 |
7. Hezekiah's Petitions for Deliverance and Healing (2 Kings 19:14-19; 20:1-7) |
172 |
8. Daniel's Confession on Behalf of His People (Daniel :1-19) |
173 |
9. Nehemiah's Prayer for Success (Nehemiah 1:1-2:9) |
174 |
10. Jesus' Prayer of Submission at Gethsemane (Luke 22:39-46) |
175 |
11. Paul's Prayers for the Ephesian Believers (Ephesians 1:15-20; 3:14-21) |
176 |
About the Author |
178 | |
Other Bible Studies by Dr. Wilson |
179 |